Efecte adverse ale vapatului

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Membru din: Lun Iul 01, 2013 11:39 am

Re: Efecte adverse ale vapatului

Mesaj de aprod »

SemperPri scrie: Parodontax + stomatolog.

Primul: contine fluor,accesati pagini care nu sunt scrise de stomatologi
Al doilea: esti un profit pentru el

Niciunul nu va va vindeca.Trebuie sapat mai adanc.
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Membru din: Mie Sep 03, 2014 4:50 am

Re: Efecte adverse ale vapatului

Mesaj de SemperPri »

Mno, atunci ii lasam, naiba, sa cada si am rezolvat-o.
Si asa arome gasesc cam de tot ce imi place sa mananc.
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Membru din: Sâm Iun 29, 2013 10:25 pm

Re: Efecte adverse ale vapatului

Mesaj de cristian »

Nu cade nimic, vezi de treaba :)
Sangerarea gingiilor are "n" cauze, maseaua poa' sa cada si daca nu vapezi.

Eu am cautat sa ma duc la shamani, sa imi faca un voodoo mic, dar nu sunt prin zona mea. Asa ca am ajuns tot la stomatolog, si e ok acum.
O igienizare buna insotita de o apa de gura profilactica, gen Corsodyl - scump, dom'le, scump, e un inceput bun.

Probabil ca multi uitam ca nu mai avem 20 de ani, si unele simptome se trag si de la trecutul glorios insotit de tigari, spritz, palinca, visiki etc
E posibil sa fiu singurul cu astfel de trecut, restul fiind abstinenti, dar sincer, nu cred.

O seara buna!
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Membru din: Mie Sep 03, 2014 4:50 am

Re: Efecte adverse ale vapatului

Mesaj de SemperPri »

Ete ce mai zice Occidentul ca pațășt' daca renunti la fumat.
http://hubpages.com/hub/What-happens-to ... x-or-Zyban" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Membru din: Joi Oct 23, 2014 1:25 pm
Localitate: Undeva, departe

Re: Efecte adverse ale vapatului

Mesaj de twain »

Ba ma simt bine de cand m-am lasat de fumat (doar doua luni jumate!)... Scopul initial a fost (si este) sa fac o trecere nu prea brusca de la 30-40 de tigari pe zi la nimic! Prea abrupt! Dar, tare-mi este ca fac dependenta de aromele astea! Bune, foarte bune, nimic de zis... tocmai de aia...Efecte secundare... pana acum, nu!
Eu nu "vapez"... ci fumez!
utilizator junior
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Mesaje: 83
Membru din: Lun Aug 11, 2014 7:14 pm

Re: Efecte adverse ale vapatului

Mesaj de Cristi »

Ce parere aveti de stirea asta:

https://ro.stiri.yahoo.com/verdict-nipo ... 57025.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Membru din: Lun Mai 13, 2013 5:05 pm
Localitate: Ardeal

Re: Efecte adverse ale vapatului

Mesaj de Valahul »

Cristi scrie:Ce parere aveti de stirea asta:

https://ro.stiri.yahoo.com/verdict-nipo ... 57025.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Vaporii ţigărilor electronice conţin patru substanţe cangerigene, care în unele cazuri, sunt în concentraţii de 10 ori mai mari decât în fumul ţigărilor clasice, avertizează oamenii de ştiinţă niponi.

Un raport de la Institutul Naţional de Sănătate Publică din Japonia a remis zilele acestea Ministerului Sănătăţii din această ţară anunţă descoperirea a patru substanţe recunoscute ca agenţi cancerigeni în vaporii ţigărilor electronice, scrie Science et Avenir.
Conform studiului realizat de cercetătorii niponi, ale cărui concluzii au fost prezentate în acest raport, concentraţiile acestor agenţi cancerigeni identificaţi în vaporii ţigărilor electronice le-au depăşit uneori pe cele aflate în fumul ţigărilor tradiţionale.
Substanţele nocive identificate sunt formaldehida, un compus numit şi formol, acroleina, glioxalul şi metilglioxalul.
O concentraţie de 10 ori mai mare decât în ţigările „clasice“
„Ratele variază foarte mult de la un brand la altul şi chiar pentru aceeaşi marcă de la un eşantion la altul“, au precizat cercetătorii care au măsurat concentraţiile acestor substanţe în cazul a cinci mărci (care nu sunt menţionate) de ţigări electronice.
În cazul brandurile analizate, echipa de cercetare a constatat niveluri de formaldehidă de până la mai mult de zece ori faţă de concentraţia dintr-o ţigară tradiţională“, a declarat Naoki Kunugita, cercetătorul care a condus studiul.
FORMALDEHIDA. Începând cu anul 2004, formaldehida este clasificat de către Agenţia Internaţională pentru Cercetarea Cancerului (IARC) drept „carcinogen dovedit pentru oameni“. Această substanţă chimică se leagă de ADN şi, astfel, deteriorează materialul genetic al ţesuturilor ale organismelor expuse. În doze mari, iritaţia cronică pe care o provoace formaldehida induce un proces de regenerare celulară propice apariţiei celulelor tumorale.
Cercetătorii admit însă că nivelurile de formaldehidă nu sunt constante: „Concentraţia acesteia a variat în decursul experimentelor şi în special atunci când firul rezistiv integrat s-a supraîncălzit“, a menţionat cercetătorul.
Testele au fost efectuate cu o maşină care a efectuat în fiecare caz o serie identică de 15 pufuri, de zece ori, cu acelaşi cartuş, cu pauze.
Chiar dacă în Japonia, ţigările electronice sunt mai puţin vizibile pe piaţă, comparativ cu ţările occidentale, trecerea de la tutun la abur este un fenomen în creştere care stârneşte preocupare autorităţilor.

stiri.yahoo.com scrie:Cercetătorii admit însă că nivelurile de formaldehidă nu sunt constante: „Concentraţia acesteia a variat în decursul experimentelor şi în special atunci când firul rezistiv integrat s-a supraîncălzit“, a menţionat cercetătorul.
Spor la vapat sub ohm, la zeci de wati...
"Un om care se intelege bine cu toata lumea este lipsit de personalitate"
"Cu cat cunosc mai bine oamenii, iubesc mai mult cainii."
"Am invatat de la animale lucruri mai multe si mai profunde decat de la oameni."
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utilizator junior
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Membru din: Joi Oct 23, 2014 1:25 pm
Localitate: Undeva, departe

Re: Efecte adverse ale vapatului

Mesaj de twain »

Pai, va dati seama ce pierderi ar avea industria tutunului daca s-ar afirma in unanimitate ca tigarea electronica este mult mai putin nociva, mai ieftina? Si asa au pierdut si pierd averi prin interzicerea reclamelor, popularizarii... Nu pe acelasi motiv a fost aruncat in ocean Rudolf Diesel, inventatorul motorului care-i poarta numele, in calatoria sa intre continentul american si european?!? Concurenta e apriga... "banii vorbeste"!
Eu nu "vapez"... ci fumez!
utilizator junior
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Mesaje: 83
Membru din: Lun Aug 11, 2014 7:14 pm

Re: Efecte adverse ale vapatului

Mesaj de Cristi »

Am citit si auzit tot felul de tampenii de-a lungul timpului despre tigarea electronica, dar eu personal nu am avut niciodata "efecte adverse" in aproximativ 2,5 ani de cand "pufai" cu spor 4-6 ml pe zi.
Totusi iau in calcul si faptul ca nici in 20+ ani de fumat credeam ca nu e o problema...
Posibil pe termen lung corpul sa raspunda in anumite feluri, ca o fi de bine sau nu, ramane de vazut.
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Membru din: Lun Mai 13, 2013 5:05 pm
Localitate: Ardeal

Re: Efecte adverse ale vapatului

Mesaj de Valahul »

twain scrie:Pai, va dati seama ce pierderi ar avea industria tutunului daca s-ar afirma in unanimitate ca tigarea electronica este mult mai putin nociva, mai ieftina? Si asa au pierdut si pierd averi prin interzicerea reclamelor, popularizarii... Nu pe acelasi motiv a fost aruncat in ocean Rudolf Diesel, inventatorul motorului care-i poarta numele, in calatoria sa intre continentul american si european?!? Concurenta e apriga... "banii vorbeste"!
Am observat acest comportament al vaperilor, foarte agresiv cand cineva spune ca tigara electronica nu e tocmai sanatoasa... imediat si placa "campanie facuta de tutunosi, va dati seama cat pierd... etc".
Eu personal incerc sa ma situez la mijloc, bineinteles ca ambele tabere o vor tine pe a lor, dar nu resping studiile facute care reliefeaza efecte negative ale vapatului. Ca nu toti or fi platiti de producatorii de tutun.
Si e limpede ca nici tigara electronica nu e sanatoasa, e nociva, problema e ca nu stim cat de nociva e.
Eu iau foarte in serios orice studiu nou apare.
Cu ieftinitul, depinde. Cat te intinzi, sau cat poti sa te intinzi. Eu de exemplu am dat cam cat pe tigari. Au fost luni cand cu tigara electronica am trecut de 1200 lei, cand pe tigari dadeam in jur de 900.
"Un om care se intelege bine cu toata lumea este lipsit de personalitate"
"Cu cat cunosc mai bine oamenii, iubesc mai mult cainii."
"Am invatat de la animale lucruri mai multe si mai profunde decat de la oameni."
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utilizator junior
utilizator junior
Mesaje: 191
Membru din: Joi Oct 23, 2014 1:25 pm
Localitate: Undeva, departe

Re: Efecte adverse ale vapatului

Mesaj de twain »

Demne de luat in consideratie sunt si afirmatiile unora de la The E-Cigarette Summit https://forumtigaraelectronica.wordpres ... -continua/, normal, sunt pro si contra... Personal, sunt convins ca cea electronica este mult mai putin nociva decat "fumigenele"... simt pe propria piele: nu mai gafai ca un porc la mai multe etaje, nu mai tusesc... si astea dupa numai trei luni de pufaiala electronica, ma rog, mecanica!
Eu nu "vapez"... ci fumez!
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Mesaje: 1120
Membru din: Lun Mai 13, 2013 5:05 pm
Localitate: Ardeal

Re: Efecte adverse ale vapatului

Mesaj de Valahul »

Desi din 2011, cred ca e interesant de citit:


There are three possible base carrier liquids in use for e-liquid (the refill liquid used in electronic cigarettes): PG, VG, and PEG.

PG is the most common, usually with a proportion of VG as that produces more vapor. PEG is more common in pre-filled cartomizers. These basic ingredients, mostly inert or with no major human-related function, are also called diluents or excipients. They are used for several reasons:
- They are effective solvents for other ingredients such as flavorings, and disperse them well in the aerosol produced;
- They produce a visible fog effect that replicates smoke but at very little temperature elevation, and therefore strongly add to the cigarette replication function of the system (and are the same materials used in fog machines, which have decades of safe use);
- They are completely non-toxic and in some cases have 70 years' safe medicinal usage history and research. Intolerance to any one of these diluents is unusual, and severe intolerance is rare; one of the alternatives can be used instead. (Virtually all materials considered safe for human consumption will produce intolerance in a small number of individuals.)
- Chemically, they are all (types of) alcohol, as can be seen from the suffix -ol that each has. They are not oils. Inhalation of alcohols has no specific effect on the lungs. For example, inhalation of alcohols has never been shown to cause lipoid pneumonia (as has been alleged by opponents); an entirely new effect currently unknown to medical science would first need to be shown.

1. PG or propylene glycol or propane-1,2, diol
Glycols are alcohols, not oils. The non-toxic types such as PG have no inhalation concerns, and are widely used in medicines for inhalation (and it has been for 70 years without issue).
PG presents flavors well and has the best TH of the three choices.
It is the most common refill liquid base material, normally used with 10% to 30% VG.
It is virtually inert in the body and can even be injected into the bloodstream without effect - it is used as the carrier liquid for injection of immiscible drugs like diazepam (that do not mix with water).
It is a powerful bactericide and virucide, and has been used in hospital air spray projects. It is reported to kill all airborne pathogens at only 1ppm.
It is commonly used as the antibacterial water treatment agent in large building airconditioning plant, for its bactericidal/virucidal properties; because it has a very low freezing point; is cheap to manufacture at industrial grade; and because the inevitable inhalation resulting is harmless.
There is a large body of research on it going back 70 years that proves it is safe for inhalation.
PG is usually the main ingredient in disco fog machine refill liquids. Due to strict employee health regulations that cannot be subverted, it is approved as safe for extended high-volume exposure for employees in discos, theatres and bars.
PG has been used for decades as an excipient in inhalable medicines. Some of its common uses are in asthma inhalers, in the nebulizers used by lung transplant patients, and inhalable treatments for patients with lung diseases. It is used in inhalation therapies for patients with the most delicate lung conditions and in the most fragile health.
Because it is made from non-organic sources (via synthetic processes) allergies are not believed possible although some experience reactions; the most common is a drying-out effect on the throat. Significant drying of the throat is reported by some (>1 in 100, <1 in 10), and for some the effect is painful. It is reported to pass with time. [Note also that cessation of smoking produces a painfully dry throat for some. The two conditions may, rarely, combined to produce a painfully sore throat for an unfortunate few.] A few experience other effects although these might be due to use of non-pharmaceutical grade materials; in a small number of cases there are strong reactions such as skin issues (thought to be around 1 in 1,000 or less).

A note on MSDS warnings
MSDS cautions are often quoted because they appear alarming, but it needs to be clearly understood that these are produced for transport and storage regulations, where firefighters or employees may be exposed to massive overdoses (read: immersion for extended periods or similar). Note for comparison the MSDS for water, salt etc., which also have the same cautions ('irritant to the eyes and lungs', and similar). The MSDS has no relevance for materials licensed for pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic use since the material is obviously safe for all uses, all purposes, and all forms of consumption. PG can be injected, inhaled and ingested (and is fully licensed for all those uses) with no observable effect on health. Where a material has multiple licenses for all forms of use in pharmaceuticals, and additionally has LD50 quantities either not stated or in the multiple-gallon range (as for all the materials on this page), the MSDS should be ignored.

2. VG or vegetable glycerine or glycerol or propane-1,2,3, triol
Glycerol is an alcohol, not an oil. There are no inhalation concerns, and glycerol (glycerine, glycerin) is widely used in medicines for inhalation.
VG produces more vapor than PG.
It produces less TH and does not present flavors as well.
VG is an alternative carrier liquid, though more commonly used as an additive to PG liquids.
It is more viscous (thick) than PG. If used as the sole base material, it will need diluting with 10% - 20% DW (distilled water). Other diluents include alcohol; EM (ethyl maltol) may also be added.
VG can be made in around five different ways, and for this reason there are a number of people who may have an allergy or intolerance for one or more brands. It can be made from animal or vegetable sources, or as a byproduct of biodiesel production, or synthesized and made in a similar way to PG and PEG, from other chemicals. Vegetable sources include coconut oil and palm oil.
It is thought that glycerine produced as a by-product from biodiesel production should not be used for inhalation, since it is more likely than any other type to be contaminated by the toxic phorbol esters of the Jatropha plant, increasingly used in biodiesel production [1].
VG is bacteriostatic, that is it does not support growth; preservatives such as sulphites may be added to it to prevent microbial deterioration within the water content, and therefore there are questions such as whether the additives (or contaminants) are the cause of occasional intolerance (which is far less common than intolerance to PG).
There is less research on inhalation. It is thought to be less inert than PG, and to be treated by the body as a complex carbohydrate - that is, metabolized by being broken down into carbohydrates then used/excreted. However, Dow Chemical make all grades of all these products, and advise that their pharma grade synthetic glycerine is the best choice of all their products for inhalation, and it is supplied to pharmaceutical companies for that purpose. Glycerine is therefore used as the base for inhalable medicines and has multiple licences for inhalation.
Glycerine is replacing PG as the excipient in inhalable medicines (i.e. as the main diluent). This may be because there are less problems with throat / windpipe dehydration. There is a suggestion that it may be less suitable than PG for inhalation by those with lungs severely compromised by smoking-related diseases, as it may be less easily absorbed by the lungs, and unlike PG it has no antibacterial/antiviral action.

3. PEG or polyethylene glycol
Glycols are alcohols, not oils. The non-toxic types such as PEG have no inhalation concerns.
PEG is said to present flavors better than any other base liquid.
It is the least common carrier liquid.
It can be made in many different formulations, the one used for e-liquid is called PEG400.
This formulation appears to be chosen as it has the right viscosity, as PEG can be thinner, thicker, or even in the form of a wax or powder.
As far as we know there is little research on inhalation but it cannot be toxic as it is used in foods and medicines. For example it is used as the main ingredient in a very large number of laxatives, where it is supplied in the form of a powder, with electrolytes, for mixing to a drink that has a safe laxative effect.
Because it handles flavors so well it is used by several of the major cartomizer-only (2-piece ecig) firms that mainly sell to first-time buyers, as it works well in cartos.
We think it comprises 1% or less of bottled eliquid sales volume but it is far higher in the pre-filled carto market - perhaps as much as 33%.
PEG is the most likely of all the three base materials to be contaminated with DEG as the manufacturing process can be carried out using the same equipment, so there is a risk of cross-contamination.

All these base liquids are used in medicinal preparations of one sort or another, and are considered non-toxic. They are all used in foods, skin creams and some (if not all) in medical inhalers, so any MSDS warnings can be completely ignored. PG for example is used as the mist carrier in nebulizers for lung transplant patients, so it can be assumed that it is as harmless as it is possible for a material to be in the human body.

Propylene glycol can be used to make an expensive, non-toxic antifreeze - for example, to make it less dangerous to livestock or pets (who will lap up antifreeze due to the slightly sweet taste), and for winterizing boat and RV lavatory systems that may have human contact by touch or inhalation. PG is used for this purpose because it has a very low freezing point, is non-toxic, and is cheaper or more acceptable than other options (such as alcohols).

Many glycols have antifreeze applications due to their very low freezing point and cheapness at industrial grade (i.e. with some degree of contaminants). Some glycols are toxic, some are non-toxic. The types that are toxic for animals and humans tend to be cheaper (like DEG), the non-toxic types are more expensive (like PG). Basically any/every glycol has been used as an antifreeze. There is 70 years of experience with glycols in medical and industrial uses, for example:
a. PG was used extensively in hospital ward aerosol trials to reduce infection in the 1940s. The only observed effect after years of continuous trials was that bacterial and viral infections in treated wards was reduced by 95%. This is now redundant because large buildings have their aircon plant treated with PG and the effect is presumably building-wide.
b. Aircraft engines in WW2 used glycols for antifreeze and engines of all types still do.

There is a vast amount of practical experience and research on PG going back 70 years. Any 'new trial' is both (a) pointless, given the quantity of data available; and (b) possibly agenda-based for some reason. There is enough research and usage data to know exactly what the health issues are: essentially non-existent for temporary high-volume use and permanent low-volume use. Ongoing high-volume use is not researched but the e-cigarette user population will provide this data; thus far (approaching a decade of presence on the market, ~10 million users at this point: Q2 2013) there appears to be no issue.

PG is not 'antifreeze' - it is a chemical that is virtually inert to humans while exhibiting all the properties needed in an antifreeze: very low freezing point, antibacterial, and cheap to make at industrial grade. It is more expensive than 'ordinary' antifreeze, which is toxic, and PG is therefore only used for applications where human or animal contact is likely, since it is completely non-toxic. Therefore it can be used as a winterizing antifreeze for boat and RV lavatory systems, where some human contact may be possible; and for applications close to livestock. If something is used as the carrier for medicines in lung-transplant patients' nebulizers, and the base for injected medicines that do not mix with water, it is reasonable to assume that there are few things less toxic.

It seems that because PG is now used in the air-conditioning plants of large buildings to kill pathogens and act as an antifreeze, the incidence of Legionnaire's Disease is now lower. And, since the pathogens that cause the disease can obviously migrate from the air-con cooling water into the airspace of large buildings, it also seems likely that PG is present in the airspace, as it is notably well dispersed as an aerosol. Thus, people in large buildings may breathe PG, at very low concentrations.

VG has been widely used in inhalable medicines since 2000. The terms glycerine or glycerol are more accurate now than the term 'VG' that was introduced for the excipient as used in e-cigarette refills in the early days; at that time, the two main sources were vegetable or animal, and the vegetable type was the preferred option. Today the best option is synthetic pure glycerine as this will have the least possible safety issues. This is the type supplied for use in inhaled pharmaceuticals, a typical brand is Dow Optim. It is not as widely available as vegetable glycerine though (it is reportedly available in containers down to 4-gallon size in the US).

There are two safety questions concerning VG that do not affect the other two liquids:
1. Biodiesel by-product glycerine must not be used for inhalation due to the risk of contamination by the phorbol esters of the Jatropha plant; apparently these carcinogens are difficult to test for.
2. If heated sufficiently, glycerine can degrade into acrolein, which is toxic. However all tests so far indicate that, although it is theoretically possible, this does not happen in a regular e-cigarette.

Acrolein was not detected in tests carried out by Intellicig. The hypothesis is that if the temperature within an atomizer can rise sufficiently high to produce acrolein, there would be no liquid left to convert (an atomizer being a liquid-cooled heating element). Also, the addition of other ingredients such as water may lower the boiling point enough that the VG boils off before any acrolein can be created. In addition, negative pressure within the atomizer or cartomizer body also has a cooling effect. Acrolein has a strong, characteristic odor so would be noticed if in large amounts.

We know less about PEG although it seems, so far, to be inert in the body.

Diethylene glycol is one of the many glycols, and toxic to humans and animals. It is a poison that kills by damaging the liver and kidneys among other effects. It is similar to PG and PEG in appearance, taste and characteristics, and it is produced in the same way from similar raw materials and as a by-product of similar manufacturing processes, although PEG seems especially implicated. It is therefore likely to be found in any materials of this type due to poor manufacturing controls or cross-contamination - for example, using drums for PEG400 that previously contained DEG. For this reason it is the main contaminant that should be tested for.

Because PEG is more likely than the others to be contaminated with DEG, and because pre-filled cartomizers are the main area of use for PEG, it follows that such cartos need testing more than other materials. Note however that (a) significant quantities would need to be consumed before this type of toxin has a measurable effect, and it is probably quite likely that consuming a number of contaminated cartos would not reach anywhere near this amount; (b) it is unclear whether any/all of the DEG contaminant in the (very small number of) tested items that have showed such contamination would transfer from the liquid into the vapor, and one test seems to indicate that a 1% DEG contamination of PEG liquid in a carto is not measurable in the vapor; and therefore (c) you would actually need to drink the contents of many cartos before there is any risk. This is not a practical route to poisoning.

The FDA was formed in 1938 as a direct result of a wide-scale poisoning incident in 1937 in which more than a hundred people died after a large quantity of DEG was used in a patent medicine.

"Un om care se intelege bine cu toata lumea este lipsit de personalitate"
"Cu cat cunosc mai bine oamenii, iubesc mai mult cainii."
"Am invatat de la animale lucruri mai multe si mai profunde decat de la oameni."
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Mesaje: 237
Membru din: Dum Iun 30, 2013 10:34 am
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: Efecte adverse ale vapatului

Mesaj de mariandex »

Salut , acu mai bine de trei ani discutam aceiasi problema pe vapersforum , o sa pun cateva postari de atunci , pentru cine vrea sa citeasca integral poate sa intre pe vapersforum la sectiunea incepatori la topicul " E-lichidul sigur ? " , exemplu :

Salut , dupa cum am mai spus , voi continua pe masura ce mai gasesc in functie de timpul care il am la dispozitie , pe net cu varu Gogu , sa pun pe forum diverse fise tehnice despre produsele care le inhalam la vapat .
Dupa cum stiti , sau daca nu stiati aflati acum , la marginea comunei Lehliu Gara , langa autostrada soarelui , compania Martifer a deschis de ceva timp o fabrica care are ca produse finite : ulei brut si biodiesel ca produs principal si glicerina ca produs secundar . Produsele sunt obtinute din cereale cum ar fi : rapita , floarea soarelui , soia , etc.
Cum eram curios am vrut sa vad cum se fabrica glicerina vegetala dar live nu am reusit sa ajung acolo daca nu ai pe cineva cunoscut asa ca am dat peste PDF-ul asta care contine absolut tot procesul tehnologic de fabricare al uleiului brut si biodieselului ca produs principal si glicerinei vegetale ca produs secundar ( nu cred ca exista fabrica special conceputa sa produca numai glicerina PG sau VG ci aceasta e produsa numai ca produs secundar , PG-ul ca produs secundar al distilarilor produselor petroliere si VG-ul ca produs secundar al obtinerii biodieselului )

PDF- ul cu tot procesul tehnologic :
http://arpmag.anpm.ro/upload/17215_175% ... %20SRL.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
ati fi uimiti sa vedeti cam ce produse chimice folosesc , unele destul de periculoase cum ar fi acizii dar acestia au o mare calitate ca sunt complect solubili in apa :mrgreen:

Si aici un site despre aceasta companie :
http://www.wall-street.ro/articol/Compa ... nesti.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Si ca o paranteza mai am de facut un comentariu :
Ce-mi place la o companie straina :
-se duce intr-o tara mai slab dezvoltata economic datorita guvernantilor marinimosi cu propria punga ( din vistieria tarii ca nu se cunoaste de ex. Ro )
-Cu ajutorul executivului ( guvern ) marinimos cu el insusi ( a se citi spaga ) demareaza un mare proiect in valoare de 'nspe milioane de euro
-bineinteles cu bani luati de la bancile romanesti ( nici macar nu au adus valuta forte in tara :?: de ce ar avea tara nevoie de ea ? )
-proiectul consta in construirea unei rafinarii brute ( cu mana de lucru locala care e mai ieftina ) care dupa cum se stie daca nu e intretinuta polueaza destul de mult ( de ex. in Ro care e vecina cu portugalia la un metru pe harta :mrgreen: )
-foloseste cerealele tarii in care se afla rafinaria ( de ex. Ro ) si tara respectiva importa de data asta pe valuta forte ( ca doar are de unde :?: ) pentru consum alimentar probabil din tara de unde e compania :mrgreen: .
-Si cireasa de pe tort :
Aceasta rafinarie nu produce mai nimic pentru uz intern , totul se duce la export si valuta forte odata cu exportul , iar tara ramane doar cu bani pe TVA si aia in lei calculati la la cursul BNR si ala preferential mai in jos .
-Si uite asa datorita sistemului economic de tip occidental bazat pe cerere ( spaga ) si oferta ( mita ) ajunge o tara imperiu financiar ( nu investeste decat o mica parte ) iar alta imperiu al datoriei (ca se imprumuta la FMI pentru cereale de consum intern , gaze pentru rafinarie , etc. ) si saraciei ( salarii mult mai mici decat in EU )
In sfarsit am dat si de substantele chimice folosite ca coloranti si arome .100% se folosesc in alimentatiesi pe scurt sunt denumite E-uri . Cineva pe forum a spus la un moment dat ca sol. de ciocolata nu este bruna la culoare ci este rosie si in sfarsit am gasit raspunsul : colorantul Brun HT adica E 155 nu e solubil in apa .
Pun si un link si care e interesat sa-si piarda 2-3 ore sa citeasca ( cum am facut eu ) tot despre coloranti v-a avea ce invata :

http://www.ertrag.ro/arome.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Aromele sunt (amestecuri de) substan?e utilizate pentru a da gust ?i/sau miros alimentelor.
Diferite clase de arome sunt definite prin lege, cum ar fi substan?e de arom? naturale, identic-naturale sau artificiale, preparate aromatice de origine vegetal? sau animal?, arome de proces sau arome de afumare.
Aromatizan?ii naturali sunt substan?e de arom? sau preparate aromatice extrase din materii animale sau vegetale ?i nu sunt ulterior modificate sau schimbate chimic. Un exemplu este extractul de vanilie.
Aromatizan?ii identic-naturali sunt substan?e identice din punct de vedere chimic cu cele naturale, dar ob?inute prin procese chimice sau prin modific?ri chimice ale altor substan?e naturale. Un exemplu este vanilina, un compus identic cu vanilina din vanilie, dar care nu este ob?inut din p?st?ile de vanilie.
Aromatizan?ii artificiali (sau sintetici) sunt substan?e ob?inute prin sintez? chimic? sau modific?ri chimice ale substan?elor naturale, dar care nu sunt prezente în produsele naturale.
Un preparat aromatic este un produs de origine natural?, dar f?r? un grad mare de purificare. De exemplu sucul concentrat de mere poate fi definit ca un preparat aromatic.
Aromele procesate sunt formate din substan?e ob?inute prin procesare, în principal prin încalzire. Un exemplu comun este caramelul, care este produs prin înc?lzirea zah?rului.
Aromele de afumare reprezint? extracte de fum utilizate în procedeele tradi?ionale de afumare a produselor alimentare. Acestea sunt ob?inute prin colectarea fumului într-un fluid, care poate fi folosit în diferite procese de produc?ie.
UE a realizat o list? cu substan?ele de arom? care pot fi utilizate în alimente. Aceast? list? (74 pagini, in limba englez?) poate fi g?sit? la: http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/fs/sfp/a" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; ... v02_en.pdf ?i un registru suplimentar la: http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/fs/sfp/a" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; ... v03_en.pdf .

Detalii produse


Colorantii reprezinta combinatii organice, sintetice sau naturale, care au proprietatea de a colora produse alimentare lipsite de culoare, a restabili o culoare sau a potenta o aroma.

Colorantii alimentari trebuie sa indeplineasca anumite conditii fizico-chimice, sa nu fie toxici si sa fie avizati de legislatia sanitara. Acestia pot avea atat surse naturale cat si artificiale.

Coloranti folositi in industria alimentara si distribuiti de firma ERTRAG :

Coloranti sintetici, obtinuti prin sinteza chimica, au o putere de colorare mare si sunt mai ieftini decat cei naturali.

• azorubina (carmoisina) E 122 - pulbere rosie, solubila in apa, putin solubila in alcool etilic.Puritatea substantei coloranta active peste 85%.

• tartrazina (galben) E 102 - pulbere oranj, solubila in apa. Puritatea substantei coloranta active peste 85%.

• ponceau 4R (rosu) E 124 - pulbere de culoare rosie, solubila in apa, glicerina si alcool etilic. Puritatea substantei coloranta active peste 82%.

• orange S - sunset yellow (portocaliu) E 110 - pulbere oranj, solubila in apa. Puritatea substantei coloranta active peste 85%.

• quinolina (galben) E 104 - pulbere galbena solubila in apa.

• albastru patent (albastru) E 131 - Puritatea substantei coloranta active peste 85%.

• albastru briliant (albastru) E 133 - pulbere solubila in apa. Puritatea substantei coloranta active peste 85%.

• indigotina (albastru) E 132 - pulbere solida solubila in apa si alcool etilic.

• green (verde) E 102, E 133 - pulbere solida

• negru briliant BN (negru) E 151 - pulbere solida solubila in alcool etilic. Puritatea substantei coloranta active peste 80%.

• brun HT (brun) E 155 - pulbere brun-roscata insolubila in apa

Firma ERTRAG comercializeaza coloranti lichizi, cu dozare de 3-5 : 1000, pentru utilizare in patiserie, dulciuri si cofetarie.Colorantii lichizi sunt ambalati in bidoane de 5 si 20 kg.

Culori: galben, portocaliu, rosu, albastru, verde.

Coloranti naturali: sunt substanele care se obtin prin extractie din plante, frunze flori (antocianii), sfecla rosie (betaciane), regnul vegetal si animal (carotenoide) s.a.

• curcumina (galben) E 100 - pulbere galbena, insolubila in apa. Folosit la margarina, emulsii de grasimi, vin, bitter, gemuri, jeleuri, marmelade, carnati, pateuri, peste.

• riboflavina (galben) E 101 - pulbere galben-oranj, solubila in apa si insolubila in alcool.

• beta-caroteni (galben-portocaliu) E 160 - suspensie solida, lichida sau emulsie, insolubila in glicerina si propilenglicol. Se foloseste la: bomboane, crème, sucuri de fructe, branzeturi, margarine, cartofi prajiti, uleiuri vegetale.

• caramel (brun) E 150 - pulbere si substanta lichida vascoasa, este folosit la patiserie, panificatie, bere, bauturi racoritoare si alcoolice, gemuri, jeleuri, marmelade, carnati, pateuri, peste.
Teorie este atunci cand stii totul, dar nu merge nimic.
Practica este cand toate merg, dar nu stii de ce.
Eu imbin teoria cu practica : nu merge nimic si nu stiu de ce . :D
utilizator junior
utilizator junior
Mesaje: 134
Membru din: Mie Apr 29, 2015 7:37 am
Localitate: Timisoara

Re: Efecte adverse ale vapatului

Mesaj de dsa »

In prima luna n-am avut mari efecte, doar putina tuse in primele doua saptamani. Cam la o luna, o luna si jumatate dupa ce m-am apucat de vapat (renuntand de tot la tigari normale) am inceput sa simt un fel de nod in gat, cateodata cu intepaturi/arsuri destul de deranjante. Dupa primele zile am inceput sa caut o explicatie. Nu am gasit mare lucru dar am dat peste urmatorul thread:
http://www.steadyhealth.com/topics/lump ... it-smoking" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
si continuarea
http://www.steadyhealth.com/topics/lump ... ng-smoking" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Aparent la unii apar simptomele astea dupa ce se lasa de fumat (indiferent ca se apuca de vapat sau nu).
Mie mi-a trecut dupa vreo 4-5 saptamani. A inceput sa se amelioreze dupa vreo doua saptamani.
Partea buna e ca in timpul asta am redus nicotina de la 18 la 6 :).
Avatar utilizator
utilizator junior
utilizator junior
Mesaje: 191
Membru din: Mie Sep 25, 2013 11:15 am

Re: Efecte adverse ale vapatului

Mesaj de claw »

Important pe langa reducerea concentratiei de nicotina este si un autocontrol al cantitatii de lichid consumat. Tendinta vaperilor este de a vapa mult mai mult decat fumau, foarte des mi se spunea "stai toata ziua sa pufai din aia" si asta poate genera "efecte adverse" asupra sanatatii daca consumam cantitati mari de lichid zilnic.
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